The Spanish alphabet is the same as the English. Some letters are originally not used, but are used for loanwords. Some letters don't exist in English but are used in Spanish. Spanish is a phonetic language which means there is a direct link between the written word and the pronunciation of it: What you read is what you speak. See the table with all the letters and their pronunciations...

a a plato like an English a as in flat
b be Barcelona like an English b
c ce



ca-, co-, cu- as a c in colour

ce-, ci- as th in thin, note: in Latin America as an s

d de ciudad

like an English d

at the end of a word softer or even unpronounced

e e elegir like e in wet
f efe família same as an English f
g ge



normally as in glad

with ge-, gi- as a hard g

h hache hombre is silent
i i latina vino like ee in seen
j jota jueves similar to an ch or h in English
k ka kiwi like a k (this letter is rarely used in Spanish)
l ele lobo same as an English l
ll elle calle like a y in yes, note in some areas of Latin America as sh
m eme madre same as an English m
n ene nada same as an English n
ñ eñe España as ni in opinion
o o



like an o in pot

at the end of a word more like an o in note

p pe padre same as an English p
q cu queso like an English k in kick
r erre rueda like a Scottish r
rr erre doble perro a stronger r
s ese saber same as an English s
t te todo similar to the English t
u u



like oo in food

silent after q in que and g in gue, exept for qü..

v uve Valencia as a b
w uve doble - often like v, only found in foreign words
x equis exacto as an English X or ks
y ye (i griega)



as y in yes, note in some areas of Latin America as sh

single y as an e in evaluate

z ceta zapato as th in thin note: in Latin America as an s