Verbs in Spanish
Find here information on Verbs, conjugation rules, modes, tenses, etc. Are you looking for information on grammar in general? Check the articles on general Spanish grammar.
Getting started with Spanish verbs
Do you want to start learning and practising Spanish verbs and don't know where to start? Here you'll read suggestions how to get started using regular verbs and some frequently used irregular verbs.
The non-finate forms
The non-finate verb forms do not have an inflection or reference to a grammatical person. These forms have a more unique character. In Spanish there are three non-finate verb forms: the infinitive, the gerund and the participle. This article explains the use of these verb forms in Spanish.
The indicative mood
The indicative mood is used to express the world of reality. This article will treat all simple tenses, including presente, pretérito imperfecto, pretérito indefinido and futuro and compound tenses including: perfecto, pluscuamperfecto, pretérito anterior and futuro compuesto. Read more on how these tenses are used in Spanish.
The subjunctive mood
The subjuntive mood (in Spanish subjuntivo) is used to convey ideas in the realm of all areas other than those of objective facts: concepts that are hypothetical, contrary to fact, those which embody the expression of feelings of the speaker toward a state or action. This article will explain the use of the presente, pretérito imperfecto, futuro, perfecto and pluscuamperfecto in subjunctive mood in Spanish.
The conditional mood
The conditional mood (in Spanish modo condicional) is used to express an action of which the fulfilment depends on a condition. This article describes the way the conditional is used in Spanish.
The imperative mood
The imperative mood (in Spanish modo imperativo) expresses an order, request or prohibition. In Spanish there is an affirmative and a negative imperative. This article describes the usage of both of these variants.
Verbs of transformation
In Spanish there are six verbs for expressing a change or transformation. Whereas in English we say 'to become' or 'to turn', in Spanish the verbs of transformation are quedarse, ponerse, volverse, hacerse, convertirse and llegar a ser. This article explains how to use these verbos de cambio.